2023 - Self Portrait - Adobe Illustrator


Sarah is a dedicated cross-media creator and passionate content strategy aficionado. Excited to find the right audience, reduce knowledge gaps, and eliminate barriers-to-entry through effective marketing. She believes that great marketing is great customer service.

A native New Yorker currently living in Austin, TX with her dedicated German Shepherd (and honorary velociraptor), Ripley, Sarah also enjoys tabletop gaming and horror movies in her free time.


My work examines presentation primarily through portraiture. I’ve always worked to determine my own sense of femininity and self through exploring various ideals and contemporary aesthetics. Modern media has synthesized this notion of ‘aesthetics’ to a science, providing direct metrics for what kinds of art/imagery are popular.

I work almost exclusively with vectors but often manipulate the printed result to create a greater sense of dimension (reflective Mylar, gilding, etc.) and audience interaction.



October 2018 | Zine Contribution “HORROR” | Warship Zine, San Antonio TX

September 2018 | Print Exchange “Disguise” | Mantle Art Space, San Antonio TX

January 2018 | Zine Contribution “BOWIE” | Warship Zine, San Antonio TX

November 2017 | Group Show “Fabbyloso Unicorn Show” | Brick, San Antonio TX

October 2017 | Print Exchange “Familiar” | Mantle Art Space, San Antonio TX

June 2017 | Zine Contribution “SUMMER OF SMUT” | Warship Zine, San Antonio TX

March 2017 | Duo Exhibition “Spatial Fragments” | Mantle Art Space, San Antonio TX

January 2014 | Group Show “Strange Tales from Liaozhai: Selected Illustrations” | Richard F. Brush Art Gallery, Canton NY

April 2012 | Group Show “MAJORS” | Richard F. Brush Art Gallery, Canton NY